Know before you go: 毕业典礼 2024

Soon-to-be-graduates, families and friends of the Mount Holyoke College community, we share your excitement and anticipation for this year’s 毕业典礼 2024年5月19日. 学院整理了一份简短的清单,供你在计划今年的庆祝活动时记住.

霍利奥克山学院努力使所有的校园体验都能最大程度地向每个人开放. To that end, please visit the 毕业典礼 access and accommodations p年龄 有关您的具体访问和住宿需求的更多深入信息, including seating, wheelchair rentals, service animal information and more.

Whether you are a graduating student or a guest, 服务性动物——根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)的定义——被允许出现在毕业典礼上. All other animals, including emotional support animals and pets, 被禁止参加毕业典礼及相关活动. 拥有服务性动物的个人不需要填写访问和住宿表格. For more information, please see the Mount Holyoke College Service Animals PolicyPets on Campus Policy.

If you have any questions, please email

因为今年的颁奖典礼将在室外(天气允许的话)的选美绿色举行, 教职工和毕业生的游行队伍将与往年有所不同. 教师 will proceed from the Kendade心房, graduate students from the 艺术建筑 and undergraduate students from Gamble Auditorium in the 艺术建筑. The Green is an untented and grassy space.

霍利奥克山学院要求每个人都熟悉它的 policies concerning protests and similar activities. 毕业典礼期间不得有任何中断或不当行为. 这包括, but is not limited to, 空气的角, 大声喧哗, 迹象, 气球, 横幅, chants or shouting during speeches. 如发现或注意到违禁物品,活动工作人员将予以没收.

There will be no food service during or after 毕业典礼. Guests can familiarize themselves with the area’s wide array of restaurants at this web p年龄. 然而, 请记住,邻近的北安普顿的史密斯学院也将在5月19日举行毕业典礼, so reservations may be needed in advance.

Each graduate will have five tickets for friends and family. These tickets are for seating on 选美绿色. Seating will begin at 选美绿色 at 9 am. Tickets must be presented by 10:15 am. 此时任何无人认领的座位将让位给其他客人. Nonticketed seating will be in the Gettell Amphitheater, adjacent to 选美绿色, as well as indoor, 设有空调座位,可在大房间观看直播, the Unity Center and Room 227b in the Blanchard Community Center, as well as the Morrison Room in the Willits-Hallowell Conference Center.

Please note that a forecast of heavy rain, 极端高温或其他恶劣天气可能需要将毕业典礼转移到室内 肯德尔体育 & 复杂的舞蹈 Field House. A determination will be made Tuesday, 5月14日, and if relocation is deemed necessary, an announcement will be made by noon on that day. 认为不需要搬迁的,不予公告. 鼓励毕业生和霍利奥克山社区的其他成员监控他们的电子邮件, the College’s social media channels and the 毕业典礼 webp年龄 的更新. Tickets for seating will still be required, 每个毕业生仍然可以使用五个座位.

户外婚礼不会有帐篷,所以客人们可能需要带上防晒霜. 另外, guests should consider bringing a jacket and a hat, as the ceremony will not halt for light rain. 然而,出于安全考虑,在选美绿地上不允许使用雨伞. Guests are encour年龄d to bring a reusable water bottle; water stations will be available in select locations on campus, identified by sign年龄. Boxed water will be provided for graduates. The College will also have indoor, 设有空调座位,可在大房间观看直播, the Unity Center and Room 227b in the Community Center, as well as the Morrison Room in the Willits-Hallowell Conference Center.

Guest parking for 毕业典礼 will be in the parking lots at 肯德尔体育 & 复杂的舞蹈, 托里大厅, Ham/MacGregor Halls, 玛丽·里昂大厅, 天文台, 摩根街, the Gorse Children’s Center and Mandelles/1837 Halls. 除托里和摩根街停车场外,所有停车场都将设有无障碍停车场. 将有班车在选美绿色和Kendall下车, 玛丽·里昂, 摩根街, Gorse and Madelles/1837 parking lots.

Ultimate Exposures将为毕业典礼提供专业的人像摄影服务. 即将毕业的学生将有机会在周一拍摄他们的学位帽和学位服照片, 5月13日, in the Great Room located in the Blanchard Community Center. To schedule your appointment, please go to, click on the “Schedule Your Sitting” button, click on “Cap and Gown” and select Mount Holyoke College. 学生们可以通过笔记本电脑立即查看他们的肖像. 任何重拍都立即完成,以确保100%的满意度. Ultimate Exposures还将为毕业典礼上走过舞台的学生拍摄照片, 还有每位毕业生拿着文凭的正式照片. 订购信息将在毕业典礼后通过电子邮件发送.

毕业典礼前后,欢迎家长和嘉宾在校园内与毕业生合影留念, 但他们不能进入舞台或毕业生座位区拍照.

毕业典礼的彩排将于5月17日星期五举行. 毕业生将于上午9点在选美绿色集合,并准备好彩排,彩排将持续到中午. 练习阵容将在艺术大楼的甘布尔礼堂举行. 学生们将练习从甘布尔游行到选美绿地. 另外, there will be a run-through of the calling of names, 还有机会就名字发音的变化提出建议. The group will also practice recessing. After the rehearsal, 这群人将直接前往玛丽·伍利大厅,听取校友会的演讲, as well as the Laurel Parade rehearsal, which will take place at 玛丽·里昂’s gravesite.

Only students — seniors, 研究生和有资格参加毕业典礼的人可以领取入场券. 门票可以在威利斯-哈洛威尔会议中心的前台领取, 学生必须出示一卡通,并且只能自己取票. 票皮卡 hours are daily from noon to 8 pm, starting Thursday, 5月16日, 2024, through Saturday, 5月18日, 2024.

美国手语(ASL)翻译将通过直播提供. 现场字幕(CART服务)将在典礼舞台两侧的两个大屏幕上通过直播提供. Assistive listening devices, which include headphones or a neck loop, 是否可在典礼期间借用.

Guests and graduates, please complete the Access and Accommodations Form 分享您对面对面的美国手语支持或辅助听力设备的要求. 平板电脑和设备将在信息帐篷领取 选美绿色 located near the entrance to the 艺术建筑.

将提供西班牙语和普通话的实时语言翻译服务, and anyone interested in accessing them should email

